
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Maths Whizz!

The image you see above is of Maths Whizz. As you can see, it shows you how much I have improved on my maths. If you are not familiar with this website, let me give you a small explanation. Maths Whizz is a website where you can learn and improve your maths. I have improved quite a lot and I personally think that this site is very good for children my age, actually this site is available to anybody age 5 - 13 years old. I think this site is really interesting and you should check it out.
Here is the link.


  1. What a thorough explanation Mubasshira. It will be great to see how this assists your understanding in Maths. What is it that you enjoy about it the most?
    Mrs Nua

  2. Mubasshira
    That's a great explanation and a good reason to try the site, I like that you can show the improvements that you've made and it shows them as a graph. Im always looking for new things to use with my classroom and this can be one new thing that I use with my students next week so thank you very much.
    Mr Webb and Room 8, Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton.

  3. Hi Mubbashira,

    Great small explanation, and if I had know idea about this site I would surely click on the link to help me improve in maths. You have been working really hard as I can see with your performance at eighty. Keep up the Awesome work.

