
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Show Now Tell

I hit the ball back and BANG! Mino hits back like she didn’t even do that intentionally. “Gosh, Mino your such a good player!” I shout still looking at the tiny ball as if it was a prey. Carefully aiming to the other side of the table, I swung my arm, but with no luck, I failed.

Written by Sylvia & Mubasshira.


  1. Well Hello Mubasshira,
    That must be a good game.Good for for showing not telling. I really liked the way your hook hooked me in! Keep up the great work Mubbasshira.


  2. Hi Mubasshira,
    What a good Show not Tell paragraph. I like how you use different types of techniques, like speech, clever vocabulary,different types of sentence lengths and full stops and commas. A job well done!

    From Seini-Mino

  3. Hey Mubbasshira

    HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY!!! Anyway I thought your post about Table Tennis Show not tell was good but there are a few errors in this post. Besides that keep up the great work!

    Your Sincerely Jarna
